Now that every possible faction in Bulgaria's chaotic political system has angered every other faction, it seems only two things can now unite them: a desire to restore the Tarnovo Constitution and to show their anger towards Russia. Now it remains to be seen just how they will go about these two missions.
Major Characters in this Episode
Tsar Alexander III
Prince Alexander
Dragan Tsankov
Lieutenant- General Leonid Nikolaevich Sobolev
Major-General Aleksandr Vasilevich Kaulbars
Aleksandr Ionin
Timeline for this Episode
1883 March 7-13th – The weavers in Sopot, Karlovo and Kalofer revolt against the import of European yarn.
1883 March 21st – By suggestion of Krustyo Mirski, the organization Scholarly Group is founded in Varna. They later found the Varna Library (1887)
1883 March 24th – Founding of the medal For Arts and Sciences.
1883 April – Elections for the renewal of the composition of The Regional Assembly of Eastern Rumelia, won by the liberals with the support of knyaz Bogoridi. Georgi Stranski is chairman from October 11th 1882 until December 1th 1883.
1883 April-May – Knyaz Aleksandar I does a “Balkan” tour in Constantinople, Jerusalem, Athens and Cetinje.
1883 Aug 8th – Agreement between the conservatives and the moderate liberals to end the plenary powers of Aleksander I for a coalition government, which would close down the Ministry of Public Buildings, the Agrarian Ministry and the Ministry of Trade, and to reinstitute the constitution with amendments made in conservative fashion.
1883 Aug 30th – Princely manifesto for the creation of a committee for the drafting of a new constitution.
1883 Aug – the Holy Synod holds session which is dissolved by the High Gate.
1883 Sept 1st – First pedagogy school following the Freeing is founded in Kazanluk.
1883 Sept 6th – By request of The Regional Assembly, the knyaz reinstates the Tarnovo constitution by manifesto.
1883 Sept 7th – The first ever for Bulgaria coalition government made up of moderate liberals and conservatives is formed, headed by Dragan Tsankov.
1883 Sept 26th – The Third Regional Assembly approves the conventions for the payments of the occupational debt to Russia and for the finishing of the eastern Tsarigrad-Vakarel rail line.
1883 Sept 27th – Political pardon for the period of the plenary powers.
1883 Nov 9th – The State Council is dissolved.
1883 Nov – After squashing the Timok rebellion, the leaders of the Serbian radicals, headed by Nicola Pashich (of Bulgarian descent), emigrate to Bulgaria. In May of 1884 the Belgrade metropolitan Michael also arrives.
1883 Dec 5th – The Third Regional Assembly adopts the Law for constitutional amendments. Voting requirements are set and the Second chamber and a Standing Committee of the National Assembly are formed.
1883 Dec 17th – After a diplomatic scandal, under the pressure of the Bulgarian governments in Sofia and Plovdiv, exarch joseph I is received by sultan Abdul Hamid II and the rights of the Bulgarian Exarchate in the Ottoman empire are officially reinstituted.
1883 Dec 24th – The Law for state print and the minister of justice is appointed to overlook it.
1883 Dec 31st – The conservative ministers of the coalition government resign and the government is supplemented with moderate liberals.