As war between the Ottomans and the powerful Russian Empire intensifies, the resulting treaty will help redefine the Ottoman place in Europe and set in motion a set of Russian ambitions that defines Europe even today. Bulgaria for its part will find a new direction to look for aid as abuse at the hands of local Ottoman officials intensifies.
Major Characters in this Episode
Ali Bey
Sultan Mustafa III
Sultan Abdul Hamid I
Sultan Selim III
Empress Catherine the Great
Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II
Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II
Timeline for this episode
1773, Ali Bey leads a rebellion in Egypt
Spring 1773, Uprisings around Vidin
1774, Mustafa III dies and is replaced with Abdulhamid I
Summer 1774, Russians make it south of the Danube and win the Battle of Kozludzha
1774, Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca
1776-1778 Russian invasion of Crimea
1779 - Treaty of Aynalıkavak
1782, great fire in Constantinople
1783, Russan annexation of the Crimean Khaganate
1786, Expansion of the Saudi state
1787-1791, Austria-Turkish-Russian War
1789, Abdulhamid I dies and is replaced by Selim III
