For the first all, all of the neighboring empires of the Ottomans decide it's time to strike the weakened power. Meanwhile, further state decentralization is bringing abuses of power and unrest to Bulgarian lands as the groundwork for the coming national revival is slowly laid.
Major Characters in this Episode
Sultan Mahmud I
Patrona Halil
Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha
Nader Shah
Köprülü Abdullah Pasha
Simeon of Samokov
Hristofor Žefarović
Partenii Pavlovic
Timeline for this episode
1730-1735, Ottoman-Persian War
1732, Treaty of Ahmed Pasha
1733, Partenii Pavlovic travels through Bulgaria to prepare a pro Austrian rebellion
1735-1739, Austro-Russian-Turkish War
1741, Hristofor Žefarović publishes his translation of Stemmatographia in Vienna
1743-1746, Ottoman-Persian War
1746, Treaty of Kerden
1747, Unrest in Razgrad

Great reaading