In the aftermath of the Treaty of Karlowitz, the Ottomans have suffered perhaps the greatest series of setbacks in their history. With a new Sultan on the throne, the question of whether and how they can recover hangs in the air. It's the year 1700 and the world is changing fast. But, can the Ottomans change with it?
Major Characters in this Episode
Sultan Ahmed III
Sultan Mustafa II
Köprülüzade Numan Pasha
King Charles XII of Sweden
Tsar Peter the Great
Prince Eugene of Savoy, Commander of the Austrian Army
Georgi Peyachevic
Timeline for this episode
1703, Ottomans invade Georgia
1703, The “Edirne Event” Janissary Revolt
Early 1700s, final end of the Devshirme
1710-1711, Russo Ottoman War
1711, Direct rule under the Phanariots is introduced in Moldavia
1714-1718, Second Morean War
1716, Georgi Peyachevic attempts to work with the Austrians to organize a new uprising
1716, Direct rule under the Phanariots is introduced in Wallacha
1716-1718, Austrian-Turkish War
1716, Siege of Timișoara
1717, Holy League Formed
1717, Siege of Belgrade
1718, Treaty of Passarowitz
