As the Great Turkish War expands and intensifies, the Ottomans are pushed back on nearly every front. Greece and Hungary see historic changes as palace intrigue struggles to cope with the disasters facing the Ottomans. But is it all enough for a new Bulgarian uprising to find success?
Major Characters in this Episode
Sultan Mehmed IV
Sultan Suleiman II
Imre Thököly
Constantin Brâncoveanu
Köprülüzade Fazıl Mustafa Pasha
Timeline for this episode
1685, The last Devshirme tax is conducted in Bulgaria
1686, Polish offensive in Moldavia
1685, Imre Thököly leads an unsuccessful attack on Transylvania
1686, Russia joins the Holy League
1686, Thököly is released
1686, Second Tarnovo Uprising
1686, Eternal Peace signed between Poland and Russia
1687, First Crimean Campaign
1687, Second Battle of Mohács, results in mutiny amongst Ottoman soldiers
1687, Mehmed IV is deposed and replaced by his brother Suleiman II
1688, Imre Thököly leads a second unsuccessful attack on Transylvania, resulting in him being put back in an Ottoman prison
1688, Șerban Cantacuzino dies under mysterious circumstances and Constantin Brâncoveanu comes to power
1688, Siege of Belgrade
1688, Venice captures Knin
