Despite a recent failed attack on Austria, Ottoman support for Protestant Hungarian Rebels against the Austrians has made war inevitable. As the largest Ottoman army ever assembled arrives at the gates of Vienna, the most consequential clash in a century begins.
Major Characters in this Episode
Sultan Mehmed IV
Kara Mustafa Pasha
Imre Thököly
King Jan III Sobieski
George Ducas
Timeline for this episode
1683, Ottoman attack on Vienna
1683, when the news of the failure and the capture of George Ducas in Vienna reaches Moldavia, the boyars rebel (the Voivode was with the army) and allow Polish and Cossack troops to invade
1683, Battle of Párkány
1683-1699, the Third Polish-Ottoman War
1684, the Holy League is established
1684-1699, Morean war between the Ottomans and Venice
