As the realities of the treaty ending the First World War for Bulgaria become clear, several political groups begin to form paramilitary wings as the violent struggle for post-war Bulgaria begins.
Major Characters in this Episode:
Tsar Boris III
Prime Minister Teodor Todorov
Alexander Stamboliiski
Todor Alexandrov
Ivan Gueshov
Dimitar Blagoev
Timeline for this episode:
1919, Oct 13-17th - The Bulgarian army leaves Aegean Thrace. An Entente protectorate is established.
1919, Oct 16th - The National Assembly issues objections to three points of the peace treaty.
1919, Nov 3rd - The Entente responds to the National Assembly’s objections by adjusting the military and reparations clauses. The Bulgarian government is given a further 10 days to accept this version.
1919, Nov 4th - The government arrests around 200 leaders of Liberal parties as well as VMRO leader Todor Alexandrov, whom it deems guilty for the country’s loss in the First World War. Radoslavov and Zhekov escape arrest by remaining in exile. Ivan Gueshov and Stoyan Danev were put on trial.
1919, Nov 14th - The Main Military Court of Cassation overturns the sentences of those found guilty in the “disclosure affair.”
1919, Nov 15th - Todor Alexandrov escapes from police custody.
1919, Nov 21-25th - A meeting is held in Sofia to unite all of the Dobrudja organizations.
1919, Nov 22nd - A law regarding the trial and punishments of those deemed responsible for the Second National Catastrophe is passed.
1919, Nov 27th - The Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine is signed, formally ending the war for Bulgaria.
1919, Nov 30th - A state monopoly on the export of grain is established to ease the food supply in large cities.
1919, Dec 2nd - Bulgaria introduces mandatory voting.
1919, Dec 7th - The first municipal elections held since the war are won by the Agrarians.
1919, Dec 24th - Stamboliiski returns from the peace conference. Socialists and communists organize mass protests which are crushed by the Orange Guard, triggering a general transport strike. The Bulgarian Communist Party then announces a general political strike. The general strike ends Jan 3rd and the transport strike Feb 19th both without success.
1919, Dec 25th - The first White Russian emigrants arrive in Varna. Soon the total number of Russian emigrants in Bulgaria rises to 40,000.
1919, Dec 31st - The Bulgarian government begins criminal proceedings against Vasil Radoslavov’s cabinet and four generals.
1919, Dec - Entente troops withdraw from Dobrudja.
Sources used in this episode:
История на България в Дати by Vasil Katsunov, Plamen Mitev, Valeri Kolev, Evgenia Kalinova, and Iskra Baeva
Crown of Thorns: The Reign of King Boris III of Bulgaria 1918-1943 by Stephane Groueff
Aleksandur Stamboliiski by R.J. Crampton
Peasants in Power by John D. Bell
The Bulgarian Communist Party from Blagoev to Zhivkov by John D. Bell
Bulgaria 1879-1946: The Challenge of Choice by Tatiana Kostadinova
The Rose of the Balkans: A Short History of Bulgaria by Ivan Ilchev
Balkan Breakthrough by Richard C. Hall
