Some of the best fortifications in the world are manned by soldiers low on food, clothing, and supplies. So what happens when they meet an enemy determined to break a years long stalemate? Breakthrough.
Major Characters in this Episode:
Prime Minister Alexander Malinov
General Zhekov
Crown Prince Boris
General Vladimir Vazov
Timeline for this episode:
1918, Jun 23rd - Entente troops begin landing at Murmansk to aid the White army.
1918, Jul 27th - Tsar Nicholas II and his family are executed by the Bolsheviks.
1918, Jul - The Ottomans formally request Western Thrace from Bulgaria.
1918, Sep 14-29th - The Vardar Offensive marks the final offensive action in the Balkans for the war.
1918, Sep 15-18 - Entente forces finally break through at Dobro Pole.
1918, Sep 18-19 - Third battle of Doiran
1918, Sep 18- Oct 17th - The Entente breaks through the German lines on the western front.
1918, Sep 22-23 - The Second Dobrudja People’s Assembly is held in Badabag and announces the accession of Dobrudja to Bulgaria.
1918, Sep 24th - The other Central Powers agree to hand Northern Dobrudja over to Bulgaria in order to encourage Bulgaria to continue resisting the Entente in Macedonia.
Sources used in this episode:
История на България в Дати by Vasil Katsunov, Plamen Mitev, Valeri Kolev, Evgenia Kalinova, and Iskra Baeva
A Concise History of Bulgaria by R.J. Crampton
Balkan Breakthrough by Richard C. Hall
Foxy Ferdinand by Stephen Constant
The Gardeners of Salonika by Alan Palmer
The Valley of Death - The Battles of Doiran - Sabaton History 115 [Official]
